Who We Are

The core of the Talkshop consists of a loose network of individuals who believe in the Talkshop and what it stands for. They constitute the Talkshop Community. This constitutes of former associates, customers and other friends who continue to support us in everything we do.

Chief Story Teller: Dr. Mathai Fenn, Managing Partner and Principal Consultant of the Talkshop is a Cognitive Psychologist with a Ph.D. from IIT Bombay. He worked for 10 years as a faculty member at XLRI-Jamshedpur. He also has lectured at IIM-B, IIM-C, IIT-B, TISS and American University of Armenia,..among others. His interest lies in how fresh ideas are born and how they are remembered and communicated, both in individuals and communities.

A brief outline of his intellectual interests would include

  • Cognitive psychology – information processing, gestalt approach, artificial intelligence, learning systems
  • Philosophy of Science – Natural Science vs Human Science (Wilhelm Dilthey)
  • European Critical Theory – Discourse Theory, Postmodernism and Hermeneutics
  • Spiritual traditions and cosmologies that are based on non-dualism (Immanence)
  • Psychoanalysis and Interpretative Understanding of Human Behaviour