Monday Musing

When Camera Replaced Rifle!

A sick juvenile stork approach Basil Peter the Eco-rescuer

Marveled at his exhibits , I asked: “How do you find time for all these?

Well …. when camera replaced gun, I found freedom, purpose and happiness

Listening with your eyes opens a space of infinity within us! The sense of wonder that follows it, leads us from the short-lived thrill of killing and consuming to a lasting joy in caring.

My friend confessed that the peace he received from being in nature and taking those pictures were more prayerful than going to worship in temples and churches.

I nodded. Surprised that I agreed, he looked at me questioningly.

I recalled sharing my own struggle to pray years ago, with my spiritual guide. Thanks to his encouragement, I found ways of meditating departing from the tiresome church practices. In fact the gospels mention Jesus praying in nature – riverbanks, desert, hills, open spaces, gardens and lakeside. 

By the pondside of Fenn Hall listening with my eyes, I turned to see a world in a drop of water and a heaven in a bud of lotus; hold infinity inside my heart and eternity in a minute (rephrasing William Blake’s poem) .

Hope the pictures posted below will transmit at least a fraction of that experience.

Bandhu Bob

C:\Users\hp\Pictures\Fenn Hall pics
C:\Users\hp\Pictures\Fenn Hall pics
C:\Users\hp\Pictures\Fenn Hall pics
C:\Users\hp\Pictures\Fenn Hall pics