Mundane Mandala

C:\Users\hp\Pictures\Mandalas for breakfast

Nutty fruity breakfast !

I have been into raw food diet morning and evening. It has been a whole new way of living energetically giving up on cooked meals.

Collapsing my time schedule combining food preparation and meditation, thanks to the wisdom from Buddhist meditation practice, I gained a life changing insight – do everything mindfully! It has given me taste for everything in life.

Ever since I began this practice I enjoy preparing food consciously feeling the sensations involved in washing, pealing, cutting, inhaling the odour, salivating, patiently arranging them, looking at the various shapes, form, and patterns emerging.

Each time I came upon something wonderful without thinking. planning and organizing. Just spontaneously following your heart, your eyes, your hands and living it fully like a child’s play.

Tremendous joy and contentment even before you take a bite!

Gratitude is filling !!

Bandhu Bob